Taylor Auction & Realty, Inc. is dedicated to providing our consignor clients with auction, appraisal and realty services while confronted with the ever changing guidelines in regard to the current pandemic. We will be flexible, resourceful and consistent with our services while we explore options to maintain business in a safe and secure manner during this unusual time. For our consignors and buyer customers who visit our facility, we are implementing a strategic routine of environmental cleaning. However, at this time, our doors are locked and we are only allowing one customer in the building at a time.. We will continually keep you updated in regard to our work schedule and auctions as we stay abreast of current guidelines.
Eleven years ago, we started conducting online auctions. Every year since 2009, we have exponentially increased the number of auctions to approximately 99% online. Our goal has been to continually improve our services in regard to the online platform. To improve our services further and for the safety of all, we are looking into implementing a scheduling software to schedule customers for inspections, payment and removal for social distancing purposes. We plan to continue this even after we see the pandemic decrease. For consignors, please feel free to call us to schedule an appointment for removal of unsold reserved items from the March Equipment auction or to bring new items for the June Auction. We understand your concern and are implementing steps for all to stay healthy and safe.
Benny and I as well as the staff is back working. We are all well and are continuing to work with stringent preparedness. However, we need to maintain normalcy as well and are still working on current projects for clients and still planning for our June 18 equipment auction. Clients still need to sell items and customers need items - vehicles for transportation, farm equipment to farm, real estate for places to live, etc.… and what better way to buy than online where you are in control of the environment. We are continually working toward a sanitary place for you to visit and conduct business. In the future, we will continue to do so by implementing even more guidelines as required for a safer living environment.
In summation, Taylor Auction & Realty, Inc. is open for business incorporating strategies for a safer workplace. We are exploring options in regard to working remotely for each customer and client whether it be by ZOOM or FACETIME or any other app we determine can assist for the safety of all concerned. We will always support the well being of our employees, customers, clients and associates. Each day, we apprise ourselves of the current Federal, State, and Municipal Health Guidelines to determine safety measures for all. We will be proactive, conscientious but try not to cause unnecessary interruption to business.
We have auctions that have been marketed and our clients have asked that the auctions remain on the scheduled date during this pandemic. We understand a public removal may be in conflict with current state or local orders. Please monitor your local orders as they change daily and follow this action plan.
We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe during this time.
Benny, Ruthie, Shea, Krystle and Cliff